how to keep the investment strategy healthy
I have developed my own investment strategy which bases on long-term share investments. However, I do not know if it works. How can I actually make sure that the share investment strategy is a good one and works?
1. I need to have a strategy! Mine bases on small cap American stocks.
Ok, now that I know what kind of shares I want to invest in how to I make sure it works?
2. Test your strategy. Do it by running it for a while *whitout* money or use some tools.
I found a website that offers a simulation service for share investment strategies. This helps! is the website that offers the service.
I think it is worth a look since it could really help to save money by preventing to lose money.
3. Implement the strategy. A online trading account should do the trick.
The website has some more tools. They use a method that is very-very similar to what I do. And an article in their download area describes some details. I also requested the second part of the article "crating wealth out of chaos with shares". The second part is great. It describes very detailed the general approach and it offers a FREE strategy testing service. I will get my strategy tested ASAP.